Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Get a little Happiness

Sometimes life can get in the way of our happiness. By time we realize we are unhappy, it's hard to turn things around. Don't worry it happens to the best of us. Luckily, there are tons of material out there via the web, books, friends, and family to get you to your happy place. Here are a few tips we have gathered to get you back on track.

1. Start strong.

Do something first thing in the morning that will ensure your day is a success. .

2. Plan less and live slower.

Don’t rush through tasks. One of the quickest creators of stress and killers of happiness is rushing and believing you don’t have enough time to smell the roses. There is always time. 
So try this: Drive slower, walk slower (don’t run unless you’re working out), work slower, chew slower. You can slow down and still get things done!
3. Save time to be in awe.
If you always feel rushed, you’ll never feel you have time to enjoy the subtle, non-task-related wonders of life. Do the above and you’ll create space to be amazed by the world.
Walk in the sand with bare feet, play with a dog, feed a duck, go on a walk with no destination, catch a sunset, be in nature, or just find a bench and watch the world happen around you. You pick.

4. Get lost in a happiness flood.

Spend a few minutes thinking of all the bits of life that you are grateful for. The big and the small. What are you proud of? What’s made you smile recently? Think of the things that create an immediate smile.
5. Know what makes you happy.
All of us have things that immediately change our state. That make us smile, get us inspired, and simply make us happy. Maybe that’s a special song, a movie, a YouTube video, a certain workout, a book, or time with a friend. Keep track of these.
6. Smile.
So simple yet so freakin' powerful. This is as contagious as it gets. Do it everywhere. Be known as the person who’s always smiling, especially to those frowning.

7. Be around people who make you happy.

When you’re in a funk, the last thing you often want to do is be around others. Resist that at all cost. Life is about relationships and connections. It’s those you love (or any random person) who can change your mood in an instant.
8. Be selfless.
A nearly immediate route to happiness and fulfillment is to do something for someone else. 

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