Have you ever gone in a store with your mind made up that you are only going to buy one thing or spend a certain amount of money? But when you actually get in the store you lose your mind picking up everything that catches your eye; this always, always happen to me…LOL...so don’t feel bad. One day, after shopping, I went through my closet to see how the new items fit in with my overall style and was so surprised with the number of clothes that still had tags. I mean, clothes over 3 years old with tags…just hanging there.
So, I called my girlfriend who’s a stylist asking for advice on how to purchase items and not waste my money in the process. Her advice was simple and straight to the point…”if you think you love it without a doubt in your mind, put it back on the rack…walk around the store looking at other items. If you can’t get that item out of your mind, buy it, if not leave it alone because you’re just infatuated with perfect things with tags.” She was right, I took her advice, so now I love it or leave it alone. Kinda like men…but that’s a blog for another day. <3